indian cinema heritage foundation

Do Haath 100 Bandooken (1974)

  • GenreAction
  • FormatColour
  • LanguageHindi
  • Gauge35 mm
  • Shooting LocationPrasad Studio

The story described here is about that period of history when the Englishmen first came to India as traders and tried to settle down here as representatives of British Government by making the Indian rulers quarrel amongst themselves.

Rajah Naresh Singh of Durgapur State is killed by his Dewan Bhukamp Singh with the help of an English trader; Peter. Rajah's ten year old prince Kumar Rajah is saved by late Rajah's loyal servant Durga Das. Later, Dewan's henchmen kill Durga Das and his ten year old son who was in the grab of prince Kumar Rajah. Durga Das' daughter Bhawani avows to kill Bhukamp and drive away the English to avenge the death of her father and the Rajah.

At the coronation ceremony of the usurper Dewan Bhukamp rebel girl Bhawani suddenly appears at the scene alongwith the heir of the state, Prince Kumar Rajah. As a result of this Bhukamp is not coronated. Bhawani fights her way out of the guarded palace and takes back the prince Kumar Rajah with her. Bhukamp orders his men to chase Bhawani and kill her.

Dharma Kaka shelters the children of many patrotic loyal sons of the state at a certain hideout in a jungle. Bhawani sends prince Kumar Rajah also to Dharma Kaka.

Bhukamp gets arms from Peter to crush any uprising against him. Bhawani and her comrades, Ram Singh and Bhim Singh in the struggle pounce upon the men of Bhukamp and snatch arms from them which they distribute to the villagers. They train the villagers to fight against the traitors.

One day Bhukamp's men attack the hideout of Dharma Kaka, kill Dharma Kaka and take away all the children. Bhawani saves the children and thereafter she herself starts living with the children to guard them.

Sunder, the hunched servant of Bhukamp becomes Bhawani's accomplice in the plot and he keeps Bhwawani informed about moves of Bhukamp.

Peter goes out for hunting alongwith his eight year old daughter Dolly. Per chance, Dolly reaches Bhawani’s place while running after a hare. Bhawani hides the girl and goes to Peter dressed as a gypsy. She tells Peter that Bhukamp had kidnapped Dolly and he can get back Dolly only if he brings Bhukamp to DURGA HILL.

Bhukamp, on the other hand, suspects that Dolly is kidnapped by SARDAR. He blames Sardar for it and thereby makes Sardar his staunch enemy. Bhukamp makes a calculated move. Peter brings Bhukamp to Durga Hill and hands him over to Bhawani. Bhawani restores his daughter Dolly back to him. Suddenly Bhukamp’s soldiers attack Bhawani and imprison her alongwith her companions Ramsingh and Bhimsingh.

Sardar kidnap prince Kumar Rajah with the help of his keep BULBUL. Dolly and other children also fall in his trap.

Was Bhawani able to save herself?

Was Peter able to get back his daughter Dolly?

What happened to Kumar Rajah?

See it on the screen…………..!

(From the official press booklet)



Films by the same director